
(1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/北方干旱半干旱耕地高效利用全国重点实验室,北京 100081;2.山东省滨州市韩墩引黄灌溉管理局,山东 滨州 256621;3.北京工业大学理学部,北京 100124)






Investigation of a conversion model for the determination of the particle composition of loess and loess-like parent matrices by laser and pipette methods

(1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Arid and Semi-arid Land in Northern China,Beijing 100081;2.Handun Yellow Irrigation Management Bureau of Binzhou City,Shandong Province,Binzhou Shandong 256621;3.Faculty of Science,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124)

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    为探讨激光法与吸管法对黄土及黄土状母质土壤颗粒组成转换的差异,提高两种方法测定土壤颗粒组成的转换精度,于2016—2019年,采集宁夏自治区海原县黄土母质0~20 cm土层土样55个,山东省滨州市滨城区黄土状母质0~20 cm土层土样41个,采用两种方法测定土壤颗粒组成,建立转换模型,并利用文献数据进行验证。结果表明:(1)两种方法测定黄土及黄土状母质的砂粒、粉粒和黏粒含量间均表现为极显著相关关系,可建立转换模型进行粒径转换。两种方法测定砂粒、粉粒和黏粒含量的相关系数,黄土母质分别为0.7980、0.7120和0.6850,黄土状母质分别为0.8970、0.7919和0.8223,黄土状母质转换模型相关性高于黄土母质。(2)根据建立的空间直角坐标系计算得出,黄土母质、黄土状母质和混合母质各粒级影响整体误差的贡献值均为黏粒最大。黄土母质、黄土状母质和混合母质转换模型均采用黏粒进行差减法,以减小转换偏差。根据计算获得的各粒级对整体误差的贡献值,选择贡献值最大的粒级进行差减法,可提高转换精度。(3)采用相同母质的颗粒组成转换模型,激光法转换后质地与吸管法质地的一致率,两种母质均为78%;而采用另一母质转换模型进行转换,黄土母质质地一致率为44%,黄土状母质为20%。通过相同母质转换模型可以提高激光法转换吸管法质地的转换精度。


    In order to explore the differences between the laser method and the pipette method on the conversion of soil particle size distribution(PSD)of a single parent material,and to improve the conversion accuracy of the two methods for determining soil PSD,55 soil samples of 0-20 cm of loess-like parent material from Haiyuan County of Ningxia Province and 41 soil samples of 0-20 cm of loess-like parent material from Binzhou of Shandong Province were collected,soil PSD was determined by using the two methods to establish the model of the conversion relationship,and it was verified by using the data from the literature. The results showed that:(1)Both methods showed highly significant correlations between the sand,powder and clay content of loess and loess-like matrices,and a conversion model was developed for particle size conversion. The correlation coefficients of the two methods for the determination of sand,powder and clay content were 0.7980,0.7120 and 0.6850 for the loess matrix and 0.8970,0.7919 and 0.8223 for the loess-like matrix,respectively,and the correlation between the two methods for the determination of the three particle sizes of the loess-like matrices was higher. (2)According to the established spatial right-angled coordinate system,the calculated contribution values of each grain level of loess matrices,loess-like matrices and mixed matrices affecting the overall error were all the largest for clay grains. The loess matrices,loess-like matrices and mixed matrices conversion models all used clay grains for the difference subtraction method in order to reduce the conversion bias. According to the contribution value of each grain level to the overall error obtained from the calculation,selecting the grain level with the largest contribution value for the difference subtraction method could improve the conversion accuracy.(3)Using a conversion relationship model for the PSD of the same mother materials,the consistency rate between the laser method and the pipette method texture was 78% for both parent materials;and another parent material conversion model was used for the conversion,with a consistency rate of 44% for loess parent material texture and 20% for loess-like parent material. By using the same parent material conversion model,the conversion accuracy of laser method to straw method texture can be improved. The laser method could be used as an effective tool for rapid determination of soil texture based on the identical mother material transformation relationship modelling.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-23
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  • 录用日期:2024-03-23
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-08