
(1.宁夏大学农学院,宁夏 银川 750021;2.宁夏大学土木与水利工程学院,宁夏 银川 750021;3.旱区现代农业水资源高效利用教育部工程研究中心,宁夏 银川 750021;4.宁夏节水灌溉与水资源调控工程技术研究中心,宁夏 银川 750021)





基金项目:宁夏自然科学基金项目(2022AAC02013);宁夏高等学校科学研究资助项目(NGY2018020);宁夏高等学校一流学科建设(水利工程)项目 (NXYLXK2021A03)。

Effects of water and phosphorus coupling in drip irrigation on photosynthetic characteristics and yield of greenhouse thick-skinned muskmelon

(1.College of Agriculture,Ningxia University,Yinchuan Ningxia 750021;2.College of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,Ningxia University, Yinchuan Ningxia 750021;3.Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education for Efficient Utilization of Water Resources in Modern Agriculture in Arid Regions,Yinchuan Ningxia 750021;4.Ningxia Engineering Research Center for Water Saving Irrigation and Water Resource Regulation, Yinchuan Ningxia 750021)

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    针对甜瓜生产中水磷协同作用不足,石灰性土壤磷肥利用率低等问题,通过2年温室大棚定位试验,研究了滴灌水磷耦合对厚皮甜瓜光合特性和产量的影响,探讨适宜的水磷耦合配比,为滴灌条件下甜瓜水肥高效利用提供理论依据。以甜瓜品种‘早香蜜’为供试材料,2020年设土壤基质势处理W1(-20 kPa)、W2(-40 kPa)和追施磷处理P0(P2O5 0 kg/hm2)、P1(P2O5 21.15 kg/hm2)、P2(P2O5 58.65 kg/hm2)、P3(P2O5 96.15 kg/hm2)、P4(P2O5 133.65 kg/hm2),2021年设土壤基质势处理W1(-20 kPa)、W2(-30 kPa)、W3(-40 kPa)和追施磷处理P0(P2O5 0 kg/hm2)、P1(P2O5 75 kg/hm2)、P2(P2O5 150 kg/hm2)、P3(P2O5 225 kg/hm2)。结果表明,相同土壤基质势下,厚皮甜瓜的主蔓长、茎粗、地上部干物质累积量、产量和磷肥偏生产率随施磷量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势;相同施磷处理下,土壤基质势控制在-20 kPa处理的厚皮甜瓜的主蔓长、茎粗、地上部干物质累积量、产量和磷肥偏生产率均显著高于-30和-40 kPa处理;适当提高土壤基质势和施磷量均显著提高光合效率和水分利用效率,增加干物质累积量,进而提高甜瓜产量。2020年磷肥偏生产率在W1P1处理下最大,产量在W1P2处理下最高,较P0处理分别增加了21.02%和16.4%;2021年磷肥偏生产率和产量均在W1P1处理下最大,产量较P0处理增加了20.30%。综合考虑,适宜当地温室大棚厚皮甜瓜滴灌水磷管理模式是土壤基质势为-20 kPa、追施磷肥为P2(58.65 kg/hm2)或P1(75 kg/hm2)。


    In response to the insufficient synergy between water and phosphorus and the low utilization efficiency of phosphorus fertilizers in muskmelon production,this study investigated the effects of water and phosphorus coupling under drip irrigation on the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of thick-skinned muskmelon in a 2-year greenhouse field trial.The study aimed to explore the appropriate ratio of water and phosphorus coupling,providing a theoretical basis for the efficient utilization of water and fertilizer in muskmelon production under drip irrigation.The muskmelon variety ‘Zao Xiangmi’ was used as the experimental material.In 2020,the treatments consisted of two soil matric potentials,W1(-20 kPa) and W2(-40 kPa),and five phosphorus application rates,P0(0 kg/hm2 P2O5),P1(21.15 kg/hm2 P2O5),P2(58.65 kg/hm2 P2O5),P3(96.15 kg/hm2 P2O5),and P4(133.65 kg/hm2 P2O5).In 2021,the treatments consisted of three soil matric potentials,W1(-20 kPa),W2(-30 kPa),and W3(-40 kPa),and four phosphorus application rates,P0(0 kg/hm2 P2O5),P1(75 kg/hm2 P2O5),P2(150 kg/hm2 P2O5),and P3(225 kg/hm2 P2O5).The results showed that under the same soil matric potential,the main vine length,stem diameter,aboveground dry matter accumulation,yield and phosphorus fertilizer partial productivity of thick-skinned muskmelons increased initially and then decreased with the increase in phosphorus application rates.Under the same phosphorus application rate,the plants treated with a soil matric potential of -20 kPa had significantly higher main vine length,stem diameter,aboveground dry matter accumulation,yield,and phosphorus fertilizer partial productivity compared to those treated with -30 kPa and -40 kPa.By appropriately increasing the soil matric potential and phosphorus application rate,the photosynthetic efficiency and water use efficiency were significantly improved,along with increased dry matter accumulation,leading to an increase in muskmelon yield.In 2020,the phosphorus fertilizer partial productivity was the highest in the W1P1 treatment,while the yield was the highest in the W1P2 treatment,with increases of 21.02% and 16.4% compared to the no phosphorus application treatment,respectively.In 2021,both the phosphorus fertilizer partial productivity and yield were the highest in the W1P1 treatment,with a 20.30% increase in yield compared to the no phosphorus application treatment.Considering all factors,the suitable drip irrigation water and phosphorus management model for thick-skinned muskmelons in local greenhouses should be a soil matric potential of -20 kPa and a phosphorus application rate of P2O5 58.65 or 75 kg/hm2.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-26
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  • 录用日期:2024-03-23
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-08