
(宁夏回族自治区水利科学研究院,宁夏旱作节水高效农业工程技术研究中心,宁夏 银川 750021)






Impact of winter irrigation and dark tube drainage on the water and salt movement in secondary saline soil and maize growth

(The Scientific Research Institute of the Water Conservancy of Ningxia,Ningxia Dry Farming,Water Saving and Efficient Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center,Yinchuan Ningxia 750021)

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    为了探讨冬灌、暗管排水及生育期灌水方式协同作用对次生盐渍化土水盐运移及作物生长影响规律,在宁夏扬黄灌区红寺堡区移民区豹子滩村开展试验,研究了不同冬灌模式(0、1800 m3/hm2)、暗管排水(有、无)和生育期灌溉方式(畦灌、节灌)3种影响因素下次生盐渍化土壤盐分、水分、作物生长指标及地下水位时空变化规律。结果表明:不同处理方式下土壤水分时空变化差异显著,冬灌处理浅层土壤含水率明显高于对应未冬灌处理;此外,布设暗管排水可以明显降低土壤含水率。各处理0~100 cm土层深度土壤盐分随时间动态变化规律差异显著,冬灌可以有效淋洗土壤盐分至深层,其中T5(冬灌、畦灌、暗管排水)处理表层土壤(0~40 cm)脱盐最显著;冻融初期各处理表层土壤(0~40 cm)在冻结及蒸发作用下出现返盐现象,随冻结深度加深,部分盐分析出并穿过冻结锋面向未冻结区运移,深层(40~100 cm)土壤盐分有所增加,解冻期在蒸发作用下盐分随水分向地表运移,表层土壤盐分含量升高。此外,冬灌结合暗管排水及生育期节水灌溉处理(T7,冬灌、节灌、暗管排水)的玉米产量及生长指标均最佳,平均产量6556.05 kg/hm2、株高210.17 cm、茎粗31.31 mm、叶面积指数4.49、干物质量2634 kg/hm2。暗管排水可以有效控制地下水位,其中T3(无冬灌、节灌、暗管排水)、T4(无冬灌、节灌、无暗管排水)地下水位埋深最低,T6(冬灌、畦灌、无暗管排水)在冬灌、生育期畦灌多重补给下,土壤含水率较高,且无暗管排水措施,地下水位埋深最浅,冬灌结束后达到峰值1.04 m。因此,根据研究结果建议,在扬黄灌区次生盐渍地作物种植、管理、治理方面考虑合理增加排水工程,采用高效节灌方式。


    The synergistic effects of winter irrigation,dark tube drainage and irrigation methods in growth period on water and salt transport and crop growth in secondary saline soil were discussed. The experiment was conducted in Baozitan village,Hongsibao district,Yanghuang irrigation district,Ningxia province. Three influencing factors,including different winter irrigation modes(0,1800 m3/hm2),dark tube drainage(yes,no),and fertility irrigation methods during the growth period(ground irrigation,water-saving irrigation),were set up to investigate the spatial and temporal changes in soil salinity,water content,crop growth indicators,and groundwater level in the secondary saline soil. The results showed that there were significant differences in the spatiotemporal changes of soil moisture under different treatments. The soil moisture content in the winter irrigation treatment was significantly higher than that in treatment without winter irrigation,and the dark tube drainage treatment significantly reduced the soil moisture content. There were significant differences in the dynamic changes of soil salt over time in the 0-100 cm soil layer depth among different treatments. Winter irrigation could effectively wash the soil salt to deeper layers,with T5(winter irrigation,border irrigation,and dark tube drainage)treatment showing the most significant desalination of surface soil(0-40 cm). In the initial stage of freeze-thaw,the surface soil(0-40 cm)of each treatment showed salt-returning under the freezing and evaporation. As the freezing depth deepened,some salt was released and transported through the freezing front to the unfrozen area. The salt content of the deeper soil(40-100 cm)increased. During the thawing period,salt was transported to the surface with water under evaporation,and the salt content in the surface soil increased. In addition,maize yield and growth indicators of the winter irrigation combined with the dark tube drainage and water-saving irrigation treatment(T7)were the best,with an average output of 6556.05 kg/hm2,plant height of 210.17 cm,stem diameter of 31.31 mm, leaf area index of 4.49,dry matter of 2634 kg/hm2. Dark duct drainage could effectively control the groundwater level. Among them,the groundwater levels of T3 and T4 were the lowest. T6 had the higher soil moisture content under the multiple supplies of winter irrigation and border irrigation during the growth period,and there was no dark tube drainage measure,and the groundwater level of T6 was the shallowest,reaching a peak of 1.04 m after the end of winter irrigation. Therefore,in the planting,management and treatment of crops in secondary saline soil in the Yellow River irrigation area,it could be considered to increase the drainage facilities reasonably and adopt the efficient water-saving irrigation method.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-01-03
  • 最后修改日期:
  • 录用日期:2024-05-22
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-01-08