
(1.江西农业大学国土资源与环境学院/江西省农业废弃物资源化利用与面源污染产教融合重点创新中心,江西 南昌 330045;2.江西井冈蜜柚科技小院,江西 吉安 343045)






Effects of soil application and foliar spraying of magnesium fertilizer on photosynthesis,yield and fruit quality of Jinggang pomelo

(1.School of Land Resources and Environment,Jiangxi Agricultural University /Innovative Integration Center of Industry and Education in Resource Utilization of Agricultural Waste,Prevention and Control of Non-point Pollution of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang Jiangxi 330045;2.Jiangxi Jinggang Pomelo Science and Technology Backyard,Ji’an Jiangxi 343000)

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    江西井冈蜜柚种植区普遍存在土壤缺镁的现象,为探究土施和叶面喷施镁肥两种施用镁肥方式在井冈蜜柚中增产提质的作用效果。以井冈蜜柚中金兰柚(Citrus maxima cv. Jinlan Yu)和金沙柚(Citrus maxima cv. Jinsha Yu)为研究对象,于2021年12月至2022年11月在江西省吉安市兴桥镇金兰柚果园和白水镇金沙柚果园开展田间试验,设置对照(CK)、土施镁肥(Mg-S)、叶面喷施镁肥(Mg-L)3个处理,探究土施和叶面喷施镁肥对井冈蜜柚叶片养分、光合速率(Pn)、SPAD值、蜜柚产量和果实品质的影响。结果表明,土施和叶面喷施镁肥均能显著提高井冈蜜柚叶片镁含量,提升范围分别为3.6%~7.3%和9.5%~12.4%;可提升叶片氮含量,且其在兴桥试验点Mg-S和Mg-L处理较CK分别显著提升17.5%、19.7%。增施镁肥能显著提高井冈蜜柚叶片Pn,Mg-S和Mg-L处理分别提高14.2%~23.5%和32.4%~34.3%;Mg-L处理显著提高叶片10.2%~14.6%的SPAD值,而Mg-S处理对SPAD值的影响较小。两种施镁方式相比,叶面施镁对提升叶片氮、镁含量以及Pn、SPAD值的效果更好。增施镁肥能提高井冈蜜柚产量,改善其果实品质。与CK相比,Mg-S和Mg-L处理单果重提升范围分别为1.25%~5.90%和3.47%~7.64%;在白水试验点,Mg-S处理果实的可溶性固形物、总糖、固酸比较CK分别显著提高12.1%、10.6%和37.7%;Mg-L处理分别显著提高13.6%、12.3%和27.6%;利用因子分析对果实品质进行综合评价可知,Mg-L处理的综合得分高于Mg-S和CK处理,表明叶面施镁对蜜柚品质提升的效果较好。综上,两种施镁方式均有利于改善井冈蜜柚叶片养分镁、氮含量,提升叶片SPAD值,增强叶片Pn;从而增加井冈蜜柚单果重、可溶性固形物和固酸比等指标,实现产量和品质的协同提升,且叶面施镁的效果优于土壤施镁。


    The phenomenon of soil magnesium(Mg)deficiency is common in the Jinggang pomelo planting area in Jiangxi province.To investigate the effect of two ways of Mg fertilizer application by soil application and foliar spraying on yield and quality improvement of the Jinggang pomelo,the Jinlan Pomelo(Citrus maxima cv.Jinlan Yu) and Jinsha Pomelo(Citrus maxima cv.Jinsha Yu) of Jinggang pomelo were used as research subjects.A field experiment was conducted from December 2021 to November 2022 in Xingqiao and Baishui town,Jiangxi province,with three treatments:control(CK),soil-applied Mg fertilizer(Mg-S),and foliar sprayed Mg fertilizer(Mg-L),to investigate the effects of soil application and foliar sprayed Mg fertilizers on the nutrient content of Jinggang pomelo leaves,photosynthesis rate(Pn),SPAD value,grapefruit yield and fruit quality.The results showed that soil application and foliar spraying of Mg fertilizer significantly increased the Mg content of Jinggang pomelo leaves in the ranges of 3.6%-7.3% and 9.5%-12.4%,respectively.It increased the nitrogen content of leaves,and for Mg-S and Mg-L treatments in the Xingqiao experiment were significantly,the it was increased by 17.5% and 19.7%,respectively,compared with the CK.Mg fertilization significantly increased Pn of Jinggang pomelo leaves by 14.2%-23.5% and 32.4%-34.3%,respectively,in Mg-S and Mg-L treatments. The Mg-L treatment significantly increased the SPAD value of leaves by 10.2%-14.6%,while the Mg-S treatment had less effect on the SPAD value. Compared with the two Mg application methods,foliar application of Mg was more effective in enhancing leaf nitrogen and Mg contents as well as Pn and SPAD value. Mg fertilizer application increased the yield of Jinggang pomelo and improved its fruit quality. Compared with CK,single fruit weight enhancement of Mg-S and Mg-L treatments ranged from 1.25% to 5.90% and 3.47% to 7.64%,respectively;in the Baishui,the soluble solids,total sugars,and solid-acid ratio of Mg-S fruits were significantly increased by 12.1%,10.6%,and 37.7%,respectively,compared with those of CK;and those of the Mg-L treatments were significantly increased by 13.6%,12.3%,and 27.6%,respectively. The comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality using factor analysis showed that the comprehensive score of the Mg-L treatment was higher than that of the Mg-S and CK treatments,indicating that foliar application of Mg had a better effect on the quality enhancement of pomelo. In conclusion,the two methods of Mg application were both conducive to improving the nutrient Mg and nitrogen content of Jinggang pomelo leaves,enhancing the SPAD value of leaves,and enhancing the Pn of leaves;thus,increasing the indexes of Jinggang pomelo’s single fruit weight,soluble solids and solid-acid ratio,and realizing a synergistic enhancement of yield and quality,and the effect of foliar application of Mg was better than that of soil application.



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  • 收稿日期:2024-03-08
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  • 录用日期:2024-05-07
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-02-21